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27 марта 2012, 02:01 ::
Hello my dear futsal friends,
I am founder and director largest futsal festival(international tournament) in Serbia
I want that invite you and your team to come in june on my tournament.(coming teams from 10 different country)
You have all informations for my tournament and futsal coach seminars on www.futsalfest.com and on www.futsalplanet.com
If you want to come,please contact me!!!
Best regards from sunny Serbia
director futsal festa Igor Djordjevic
Focanska 53
11 300 Smederevo
« предыдущее . следующее »
I am founder and director largest futsal festival(international tournament) in Serbia
I want that invite you and your team to come in june on my tournament.(coming teams from 10 different country)
You have all informations for my tournament and futsal coach seminars on www.futsalfest.com and on www.futsalplanet.com
If you want to come,please contact me!!!
Best regards from sunny Serbia
director futsal festa Igor Djordjevic
Focanska 53
11 300 Smederevo
« предыдущее . следующее »
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